"Buy Low, Sell High" is the Biggest Myth Ever: Apple Stock
When a stock hits an all-time high, there's no supply above.
Apple AAPL 0.00%↑ is about to hit all time highs. The high was $79.35 and its at $79.01 as I write this.
People always say “Buy low, sell high”, but that’s a myth.
You really should buy high and buy higher. Why?
Because when a stock is high, that means there is buying power behind it (duh, lol).
Now, follow this logic…
When a stock is approaching all time highs, that means there is NO ONE that owns that stock at a higher price…
…and if no one owns that stock at a higher price, then no one is “losing” on that stock.
And if no one is losing on that stock, then no one will sell it to "get out at break even” when it hits a higher price…
Think about it.
If someone buys at $100, and price goes to $75, many investors will sell it at $100 to break even.
But if price is hitting an all-time high, there’s no supply above to be sold!
Apple is approaching all time highs. Buy now, and buy more later.